close-up of a flower with lilac petals, photographed on the right side of a bright green coloured background

Veganuary, home decor edition: Are interior paints vegan?

By Elena Koycheva on

Alongside the general message we’re trying to spread throughout Veganuary — for more sustainable and conscious choices regarding the food we consume and the lifestyle we lead every day, there's something that probably a lot of you don’t know or perhaps never paid attention to. 

The question that might pop in your head when we mention this is... are interior paints vegan? And, if not, what could possibly be present in their ingredients to make them non-vegan? Well, these well-kept paint industry facts might surprise you.


photo of a light-coloured dog holding a paint brush in its mouth and photographed behind a paint sample in a glass jar saying YesColours

Floyd proudly posing next to one of our paint samples... which is not only pet-safe but also 100% vegan AND cruelty-free. Photo by @hosky_r.


Did you know that most interior and exterior paints on the market are not vegan-friendly? If you haven’t renovated in a while you probably haven’t even thought about this but, in fact, the majority of paint brands on the market use a common binding agent — casein, which is the primary protein in milk. Not only that, some paint pigments contain animal bone and bone derivatives, as well as lac bug secretion and even ox gall… yes, we were shocked to learn that too.

It seems like, if we've chosen the vegan and cruelty-free lifestyle for ourselves and/or our families, we need to pay attention not only to the food ingredients at the supermarket, but to the ingredients in our home decor products too. And it's a responsibility for each paint brand to be 100% transparent about their own paint ingredients and values. And, no — we are not shaming anyone, we simply believe that the best choice is always the educated choice.

We're proud to share that the YesColours paint is completely vegan and 100% cruelty-free. It has no animal-derived raw materials and it's not tested on animals. And it never will be. Period.

This Veganuary, together with Ellie Archer from @berrygoodberrynice, we're hoping to inspire you to make more environmentally-conscious choices not only when it comes to our food but to everything else that surrounds us too. You can start with our vegan and cruelty-free paint which comes in 100%-recyclable paint pouches, created with us and the planet in mind. You can read more about why our paint is child-safe, pet-safe and planet-safe here. Or, if you love your numbers, here's everything you need to know about our sustainability mission, as well as the paint industry waste problems (and how we're tackling them, one paint pouch at a time).

So here’s to choosing paint and home decor that’s vegan, cruelty-free and environmentally-friendly. For us, for the animals, and for our planet. Happy Veganuary!