Giving back with colour.
We are working with a number of charities in the UK.
1 in 5 children and young adults may suffer from a mental health issue in any given year.
10% of children and young people (aged 5-16) have a clinically diagnosable mental health problem.
70% of children and adolescents who experience mental health problems have not had appropriate interventions at a sufficiently early stage.
We simply cannot stand by when this is the case and knowing that we are here to inspire joy and optimism through colour - to help people feel better, feel good, even wonderful. The positive impact that colour can have on both mental and physical recovery is not pseudo-science. It's real and it's proven.
Our aim is to put people and our planet first, to focus on local communities and have a measurable impact. Therefore we are working with the following charities on community based projects in order to help young people feel good.

Find out more about this innovative and creative company changing the lives of breast cancer survivors.

We are supporting those suffering with mental health issues in the LGBTQ community through MindOut.

Supporting the ground-breaking Firstsite Holiday Fun programme through vibrant artworks in this interactive exhibition celebrating the fun, friendly and creative ethos of Holiday Fun.
Keep Being Amazing is the last of a three-year series of exhibitions which have been produced as part of the Arts Council Collection National Partners Programme.

Rethink improve the lives of people severely affected by mental illness through their network of local groups and services, expert information and successful campaigning.
Leaving the waste behind.
Learn more about how we are tackling some of the biggest issues the paint industry faces by innovating and working together.